Thursday 20 March 2014

My first post.

Hi! I'm Ally and I am from Perth, Australia. I finally decided to start up after months of questioning myself if I should go ahead with it. I have been following blogs on bloglovin' for almost two years now (check out my blogroll for my personal favourites) - everything from fashion, lifestyle, food and beauty is included. 

I have always wanted to start up with blogger after starting up a tumblr page back in 2011. Subscribing to certain YouTuber's (notebly Tanya Burr and Zoe Sugg), my love for all thing beauty and fashion grew, and so did my love for blogging. I will be posting photos that I find floating around on the internet, and I will include the sources at the bottom of the post.

So here it is, my first post and hopefully i'll be updating it daily ! x

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